Welcome to the garden!
We have strawberryage! I added netting to the bed to try to thwart the birds and chipmunks. So far so good!
Arugula and Zucchini |
I'm super thrilled about the clumps of volunteer arugula that have popped up around this bed (that's zucchini sprouting *in* the bed itself). Arugula is yummy and I didn't plant any this year, so this was an awesome surprise!
Carrots are growing well in the little round bed. I planted mint there last year that looked diseased and brownish all season. I cleared it out before planting the carrots, but I guess there were roots left on the edges of the rocks that decided to take off - so bonus mint! And it's healthy too! Woot!
Carrots and Mint |
Mini Ground Cherry |
And to add to the list of volunteers... here's a little ground cherry in the pumpkin bed. As usual, a bunch popped up all over the garden. I planted them for the first time... 3 years ago?... and haven't had to buy seeds since. They just show up! I'll move a some to the pea bed when the peas are done.
Peas! |
Speaking of the pea bed - here it is. It was heavily nibbled on by rabbits. I ended up clearing the back half out and replanting, and am leaving the front half as is to see if it recovers. I think it might be?
Recovering peas? I see some tendrils. |
Beets |
The beets continue to do well. I've thinned them out twice so far. Love beet greens in a salad! Some of these look like they have leaf miner - gotta get out and do some pest management. But dudes - I don't think I've ever had beet greens get big enough for the leaf miners to want to eat them. This is a huge accomplishment.
Cabbages and onions with beets in the background |
Pretty cabbages. They're so much bigger than they were in my last post!
Pumpkin and melon bed |
Pumpkins in the back, melons in the middle (started inside 2 1/2 weeks before the last frost - so they're bigger), more pumpkins in front and the baby ground cherry.
Beans and tomatoes |
This might be my favorite part of the garden to blog about, because it starts out looking sparse, but by the middle of summer ends up overgrown and jungle-like. Three teepees of scarlet runner beans have been planted to the left, and tomatoes in the middle and right, with some basil and habanero peppers mixed in.
Scarlet Runner Bean Seeds |
Chomped Tomato |
I'm excited about the runner beans. They're supposed to have gorgeous red flowers but also produce lots and lots of edible beans. The seeds were pretty too!
I'm missing two tomato plants in the middle bed. Both got chomped by something in the early morning hours. I'd blame it on the rabbits, but I don't think they like tomatoes. I thought maybe cutworms, but they haven't bothered plants this big in my garden before. They like tender, just sprouted things. Plus I didn't find a worm under the soil around the plant like usually do. Just to be on the safe side I made little toilet paper roll collars for the rest of the tomatoes (cutworm protection) and haven't had a problem since. *knock on particle board*
Update! Looks like it was a cutworm. Found this picture on the web. Nasty things!:
The composter's up and running!
I'll leave you with a picture of our rabbit frenemy in one of our neighbor's yards. So cute but so destructive, dang him.
Sir Chompalot |
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