First let me say that when I went to check out my blog from last year, I was bummed to find that I somehow stopped blogging in June!
This year I plan on blogging through the whole gardening season. For reals. I mean it.
On to the garden!
Before actually getting out there and digging in the dirt, I drew myself a little garden plan.
My vision. Messy - but I think it gets the point across! |
So far I've planted carrot seeds in the little circular bed in the upper left, beets in the front middle section of the big bed on the left, and cabbages and onions in the back middle section of that bed.
There's also asparagus coming up in the front right bed.
Asparagus! |
Onions weren't in my original plan but I went to the nursery to pick up cabbage seedlings and... you how those things go!.
The variety is Alisa Craig, which I've never planted before. According to the tag they're "huge mild onions, yellow skinned." Hoping they actually grow huge for me! I planted them down the center of my cabbage bed, and continued them down the center of the area where I planted beets (not pictured yet). Also tucked some into my strawberry bed, just to see what happens.
Alternating green and purple cabbages with onions down the middle. |
When I was looking over some of my old posts I noticed that a big theme was rabbits.
Rabbit in my garden in early April, pre-gardening season |
This stuff works! |
Another theme from previous years failed beet crops. I *think* this may have been because beets don't like too much nitrogen and I was adding cow manure compost to all of my beds every year. TI haven't added composed manure to my beds for a couple seasons. Instead I just fertilize them with Tomato-Tone or Garden-Tone.
I swear by that stuff - especially the Tomato-Tone for tomatoes.
Anyhoo... even with the fertilizer the beets fizzled out. So this year I decided to add *this* to the beet bed:
Gurney's Potato Food |
I'm also planning on keeping that bed very watered. Beets need constant steady moisture for good development. Maybe that's been the problem?
I will win the beet wars this year, mark my words!
No more dead beets allowed!
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